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The Number One Electric Fencing Tape System for 34 years

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presents the Bi-Polar fencing tape

in addition to our green, white or brown traditional fence.

The Bi-Polar tape is another electric fence system
that will still be working even with frozen or dry ground!

MONO-POLAR (traditional) FENCE
Bi-Polar fence
HorseGuard conventional fence is available in Brown, Green or White. It needs good grounding.
The 10 big wires must be connected together at each stainless buckle in order to operate with the same voltage.
  HorseGuard Bi-Polar fence is Green and Brown, it needs no grounding.
The permanent contact of the big five wires at each edge of the Bi-Polar tape avoid arcing and cuts.

One needs good grounding   One needs no grounding
The Mono-Polar Fence works
Mono-Polar Tape works with a ground rod
with a good ground rod
driven into a humid soil!
  The Bi -Polar Fence works
How does the Bi-Polar tape  work?
without a ground rod!
Ideal for dry or icy ground!

How does it work?

The electric fencing tape system
provides an effective physical, visual and mental barrier
that the horse respects...

Click to see the differences.

Starter Kit
 Free Catalog
Bi-Polar items
No need for a conductive ground.
Automatic Estimate on-line
Automatic Estimate on-line
Even without a ground rod, the horse will get zapped! and respect the fence !

HorseGuard electric fencing recognized for its UNIQUE superior quality
is now available around the world...

But you won't find it in stores!
Your direct order from the HorseGuard manufacturer
is delivered to your doorstep in a matter of days!

"Order HorseGuard, spend less, sleep better!"

What is the secret to HorseGuard Fence's success?

Customer Oriented

Quality Design and Superior Construction

zoom on an electric horse fence

Easy Installation and More for Your Money

Why settle for less?
Order your FREE fence manual & samples today, with no obligation.

Questions ? Order ? Quotes ?
HorseGuard Direct Fax : 630-966-9374
HorseGuard Phone : 1-888-773-3623 ( 1-888-77-FENCE)

CSS 2.1 Valide !
Horseguard Fence HORSEGUARD , 2283 Cornell Avenue, Montgomery IL, 60538 USA
phone: 1-888-77-FENCE (1-888-773-3623) phone: 630-551 0053 fax: 630-966-9374

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