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9 out of 10 HorseGuard Fences
are built the same way
and need the following items:

Click on the #ref below to see an image:

H4 8br 36W 11 36T 24 28M 59G 59H 42 52 2GR5 FC500 MP15

Z4Brown tape 1.5''x820ft
147.00 Click here to add this product to your shopping cart Click here to add this product to your shopping cart
8brLine Post Insulator - Brown
one per strand/per post 0.79 Click here to add this product to your shopping cart Click here to add this product to your shopping cart
36WTensioner f wood post
for wood post 8.10 Click here to add this product to your shopping cart Click here to add this product to your shopping cart
11Spring Gate handle
one per strand 13.99 Click here to add this product to your shopping cart Click here to add this product to your shopping cart
24Splicer buckle
one/spool 3.29 Click here to add this product to your shopping cart Click here to add this product to your shopping cart
28MBrown H.T. Cable /ft
0.55 Click here to add this product to your shopping cart Click here to add this product to your shopping cart
59GMConnector for 28M
from buckle to wire 3.99 Click here to add this product to your shopping cart Click here to add this product to your shopping cart
59HInter connector wire
top to bottom strand 9.10 Click here to add this product to your shopping cart Click here to add this product to your shopping cart
42Warning sign
1 /spool 1.99 Click here to add this product to your shopping cart Click here to add this product to your shopping cart
52Golf Ball Fence switch
off/on 24.99 Click here to add this product to your shopping cart Click here to add this product to your shopping cart
2GR5Ground Rod 5ft /2
Earthing 52.99 Click here to add this product to your shopping cart Click here to add this product to your shopping cart
FC500Fence Charger
plug-in 260.00 Click here to add this product to your shopping cart Click here to add this product to your shopping cart
CLIPbrKeeper Clip br /10
4.99 Click here to add this product to your shopping cart Click here to add this product to your shopping cart
MP15Mono-Polar Little Light
19.99 Click here to add this product to your shopping cart Click here to add this product to your shopping cart


NEVER EVER mix the 2 systems! If you already have a "traditional" fence (Mono-Polar) do NOT connect it to your new Bi-Polar fence. They are two entirely different systems. If you still want to use both systems, Use ONE fence charger for the traditional, and ANOTHER fence charger for the Bi-Polar. Also, NEVER use the metal buckles of the Mono-Polar on your new Bi-Polar fence! Never use a ground rod with your new Bi-Polar installation.

Our fence chargers

Main charger for electric fence for horse #FC500
#FC500. This charger delivers more power than other chargers. 2 Year Warranty by the Manufacturer. Serviced directly by the Manufacturer. Low Impedance. -A Plug in Charger 110/120 volt, that will ensure 5000 volts on a 3 miles fence .4.0kv 6volt DC input. Pulses DC output (1-2 second interval)

FC500Fence Charger
plug-in 260.00 Click here to add this product to your shopping cart Click here to add this product to your shopping cart

Solar charger for electric fence for horse #FC6S
-A Solar Charger 6volt DC input. Pulses DC output (1-2 second interval), that will ensure 5000 volts on a 3 miles fence. 4.0kv. Low Impedance. A solar charger is made for sunny places, it has to be exposed towards south. Within a period without sun the charger will last is about 2/3 days...

FC6SFence charger 6V-Solar
SOLAR 340.00 Click here to add this product to your shopping cart Click here to add this product to your shopping cart

We installed over 10 000 fett of HorseGuard Fence in the summer of 2000. We love your fence! Horses have run into the fence without injury. Tree limbs have fallen on the fence and repairs were made in one hour or so. We have quickly and easily added gates where we wanted them. All the component are holding up nicely. We now have 10 horses including mare and foals and the fence has been a real blessing.
Linda A Baxter TN

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2283 Cornell Avenue,
Montgomery IL, 60538 USA
phone: 1-888-77-FENCE
phone: 630-551 0053 fax: 630-966-9374