HorseGuard recommends at least 2 strands in most fencing applications to provide
a safe visual and physical barrier for the horse.
In an area vulnerable to weeds,
the bottom tape should be a minimum of 22 inches off the ground.
3 Strands and more
3 strands of tape is very popular and has a more traditional appearance. 4 strands might be necessary for delicate situations, like an excitable stallion, a busy road, deer, alpaca, ect...
But remember never to set the tape too low.
While many stallions respect a 2 strand
HorseGuard Fence, 3 strands provides an extra measure of safety.
The ideal tape height in this situation would be
28", 44" and 60".
Young Horses
One strand does not work to enclose young horses or ponies.
To be on the safe side. 3 strands fencing is better for young horses.
52", 36" and 28"
Many ponies are persistent and will escape if the shock of your fence charger is not strong enough.
3 strand is a good solution.
48", 32" and 16"
I purchased your fencing in 2008. It is outstanding and as many testimonials before this one I put my fencing up by myself and the maintenance is almost nothing. It is so very adaptable when an area may need to be sectioned off. I used t-posts with covers and put up the brown tape at 12 24 36 and 48 inches. This keeps my horses safe and secure. In the winter the brown fencing is beautiful. Great product!
Patricia H. Laurel Bloomery, Tennessee.
Next to a road

Some people prefer 3, or even 4 strands of tape for fencing, it makes them feel that the enclosed horses or cattle are safe.
Found online-we just installed a pasture with the bi-polar and are going to continue with the others because it works wonderfully up in Maine-the horses haven t even gone near the fence since we put it up. We love you products!
Carole R. Dover,ME
Mare and Foal

The smaller the enclosure, the more contact the horse has with any fence. Foals could easily roll under a fence but 3 strands at
52'' 36'' and
20'' will reduce that risk. If they do manage to get under, their instincts to return to their dam are so strong that the foal will fight to get back through the fence.
HorseGuard tape, the foal can and will return through the fence, despite getting zapped by the electric tape.
Unlike other fencing, the foal won't sustain potential injury while returning to the dam.
The lower tape is actually the more important of the two strands. Every time a horse puts his head down to crawl under the tape or graze beyond the perimeter, he will get a shock across the top of his nose or on his ears or neck. This strand should be set at
28'' or at
24'' for ponies. Any lower tape will tend to ground on long grass and weeds.
The top strand of tape is a visual barrier to stop a bolting horse. It should be set up at
52'' from the ground.
All fencing for our pasture expansion is complete & grass is growing. Later we will connect charger power and install gates. Easy to do. This 69 year-old woman put up most of the tape put t-post covers on and strung the white tape by myself. I could not have done that in 9 hours without Horseguard products.
Patricia H. Caledonia, Mississippi
A single strand will place visual emphasis on an existing barbed wire fence,
high tensile, wire netting, or any less visible fencing.
A single
strand replacing the highest wire greatly reduces the danger of that fence.
For an adult horse behind one strand, the height should be at
This will not eliminate all the risks, but your horse will no longer be able to to get close enough to the fence to scratch himself or to overhang enough to paw through the wires.
In some fencing situations it is advisable to put two or more strands on the existing fence.

A single strand may be used to keep horses from a certain area to protect the horse or protect the area.
Other uses for one strand of
HorseGuard tape include rapidly erected temporary enclosures and movable cross fencing or when you need to move your fence frequently for a daily rotation of horses between fields.
All horses enclosed by a single strand must already be familiar with electric fencing tape.